Sprint 0.0.6 – What’s in Store for myMO ….. literally

Sprint 6 of Release 0 was once again focused around allowing Game Players to be able to customize their environment and clubs. In previous sprints, we added the ability to place props (static meshes) in a map/level and then save the modified map with their own custom name. This way they could customize their clubs,…

Sprint 0.0.3 – You Break a Few Eggs to Make an Omelet

This Sprint was a case of sometimes you have to take a step backwards to go foreword. This sprint we did the refactor to take out all the code associated with the Daz/Poser avatars. These Avatars were very detailed and had lots of capability in terms of morphing the avatar and changing clothes. Unfortunately, we…

myMO Release 0.0.1 – Music Visualization

This is the first sprint release for the myMO Major Release 0, Minor Release 0, Sprint 1.  Hence, Release 0.0.1.  This was a normal two-week development sprint.  The major development tasks completed were: Broke out a stand-alone template to be used by crew members wanting to experiment with DMX lighting and building Light Show Sequences. …

Around the Metaverse – What Sansar Can Learn from VRChat

I will start off by reminding you again that everything I say is my opinion only and may not represent the beliefs of the myMusicOasis gang.  Recently, a long-time acquaintance from back in the HighFidelityVR days(Philip Rosedale’s early VR Venture that closed after four years) told me he had gotten a job with VRChat. I…

Release 0.0.0 of myMO

The Music Oasis has been building myMO since last summer with the crew. myMO stands for My Music Oasis and it is our Session based, Multiplayer game for collaborating on music, having events and generally hanging out. It is built using Unreal Engine and will eventually released through Steam as a game sometime next year….

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