The Music Oasis has been building myMO since last summer with the crew. myMO stands for My Music Oasis and it is our Session based, Multiplayer game for collaborating on music, having events and generally hanging out. It is built using Unreal Engine and will eventually released through Steam as a game sometime next year. This first release of the game is a closed alpha release that will be available in Steam for members of the Music Oasis Team to being doing multiplayer testing. It is very exciting to get to this point in the project as we feel comfortable enough about the code to release it within our small team to begin testing and helping improve it as they test it. While not a full featured multiplayer game it has the basic features to host or join an event, select from a group of avatars, morph avatar appearance, change their animations, teleport to multiple maps/levels made by the 3d artists in our group and has our first test music area as we have recreated the Rave Cave and added DJ lights and effects like we have in Sansar. Also, we have figured out how to stream video and audio in so that we could have some test dances in this new rich, beautiful world created on top of Unreal Engine.

We built myMO for two basic purposes. The first was to have a multiplayer environment for our friends from Sansar to be able to meet in case Sansar folded. We called this the “Leaky Lifeboat” portion of our plans. With the new funding and momentum of the Sansar project we won’t spend a lot of time trying to replicate all the Sansar type features as we would rather integrate with Sansar instead of replace it. The second reason for doing the myMO project was that we wanted to build an environment that was dedicated to music and DJ functionality and could be a community hub and music tool suite used by them to invite a few friends to visit in myMO as they performed, but we would hope to be able to get a tighter integration into Sansar where most of the people would actually be. Basically, we see us an option like TribeXR or the broadcast experience mode in Sansar.

Here is a video showing some of the Release 0.0.0 features in action. This is our baseline and it will only get better from here. We are on a two week sprint approach and every sprint we add features. Now that we have released the baseline of the game in conjunction with the launch of our website, we will blog about our progress every two weeks at the end of every sprint. Things are about to become really fun and interesting.

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