This post will explore Streaming Live Music across the internet with a special focus on streaming live performances into Virtual Worlds with a live audience.  It will look at this from a performer’s and fan’s perspective.  Musicians, prior to the current global pandemic, were starting to use the internet to broadcast their performances to fans around the world using primarily social media and video sharing sites.  Now, the internet is filling a vital need and fortunately offers even more.

Since we cannot gather in large and small performance venues performers have been using various sites to get their art to an audience. One of them, Stage-It, is a website where musicians stream a video of them playing. Fans pay to listen and see them perform and traffic has increased significantly.  The site had revenue of $500,000 for the entire year of 2109.  The last week of March and the first week of April (2 weeks) saw a revenue of $880,000.  This growing trend is well worth covering. These sites are a wonderful way for a performing artist to reach their audience. They can get instant feedback through text. This is not as good as a live audience but it is better than nothing. We do have existing technology though that brings musicians and fans together in the same space face to face: virtual worlds. This blog is dedicated to helping musicians and DJs explore and perform in virtual worlds (VWs).

This Blog along with the parent website will focus on the Musicians and the Fans. We will explore various VWs and how artists and audiences access them. Our focus will be on the end to end experience that links Musicians/DJs and their Fans/Listeners.  Our Mission Statement is:

The first of our Missions is to provide a technical analysis of the many platforms available. What does one need to know to set up and deliver? What are the various options for DJs and Musicians and other performers? Depending on what you need to accomplish, is one production software better than another and what are the advantages and disadvantages or various Virtual Worlds.  We are going to explore in depth, various worlds to review and help Musicians, Music Educators and Fans decide what suits them according to their needs.

The second Mission involves the social scene and people interested in virtual world Live Music Performances We will visit the communities that share, learn and party together what can we do to make Live Music Performance and Collaboration better for everyone.  We will share opinions, lessons learned, and most importantly present great music performances. Together performers and fans will help shape and influence Virtual World Platform development improving the quality and diversity of the immersive online music scene.

We plan on reviewing existing software and documenting in great detail in “how to” tutorials. We want Musicians, DJs, Performers, Educators and Fans to learn how to access, explore, and profit from this technology. The virtual space is an amazingly powerful medium that has a broad communication bandwidth. While maybe not able to replicate a live real world performance, we are convinced that using these tools can bring these experiences close to the real thing.

If you are a performer or a fan of live music on the internet we hope that you will join us on our journey as we try to fulfill our missions.  Our goal is to help lessen the pain of separation and increase the enjoyment of immersive music in virtual worlds.

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