This is the first sprint associated with Release 1 of the game. The focus of the sprint was to add the capability to place lights, cameras and Non-Playable Characters (NPC) into a customized club template map. This will allow club owners in the game to not only add static meshes, but now lighting, camera angles and NPCs to their customized version of a club template. I also added the Oasis Plaza Map that was built by the talented 3d artist Bluebell. This will be the focus map when the game launches as it will have a help center, the coffee shop, an art gallery, education center and experimental music studio.

The new features this sprint include:

  • Added Oasis Plaza map built by Bluebell
  • Added XYZ axis scaling of static meshes (props) and skeletal meshes (NPCs)
  • Added the ability to change position and rotation of static and skeletal meshes using sliders and text box for precise placement
  • The ability to place Spot Lights in a customized template club in edit mode
  • The ability to place Point Lights in a customized template club in edit mode
  • The ability to place Non-Player Characters in a customized template club in edit mode
  • The ability to change animations to Non-Player Characters
  • The ability to place Multiple Camera Angles in a customized template club in edit mode
  • In Host mode be able to switch Camera Angles during gameplay
  • Save custom map with all added objects to database
  • Retrieve and build custom club with added objects in host mode

The following video shows all the new features added for Lights, Camera, Action in a Customized Template Club.

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